Pasadena’s Rose Parade, 123rd, is just a few days away. Here’re some great articles that I saw on Twitter for your reading pleasure. Everything you need to know about the Tournament of Roses and some…
OCRegister Graphics – @ocrgraphics
Tips and great graphic from The Orange County Register
Great explanation of how the Rose Parade floats are built with a nice summary of history and safety dos and donts.
Portal to Universe – @PTTU
Astronaut to Ride 2012 Rose Parade Float with ‘Garden Boy’ Brother
More info on the astronauts Rex and Lance Walheim riding the Bayer float this year.
KPCCNews – @KPCCNews
99 percent to join the Rose Parade
Watch out for the 99% Occupy Rose Parade protestors this year. Thoughts?
Helen of Pasadena – @helenofpasadena
hey #badgers and #ducks An Insider’s Guide to the Rose Parade on by yours truly.
As always, great tips and behind the scenes info from Lian Dolan. A must read.
Craving for more? Take a look at these posts:
Are you planning on seeing the parade live this year? Or, will you be like me, enjoying it on TV in the warmth and comfort of your home?
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