By now many of our homes and work places are decked out for the holidays. Falalala lalalala!
However, we know of a tree in our community that needs your help! Day 216 of 365 Things To Do in Pasadena invites you to visit the Pasadena Museum of History and bring an ornament for the Pasadena City Tree.
Of course, there will be holiday trees that are more grand, ones with many more twinkling lights and shining ornaments, but there is no tree this year in a private home or on a public street that is more representative of our city, than the Pasadena Tree at the Pasadena Museum of History.
Museum staff and volunteers have adorned the city tree with hand made ornaments featuring beloved city events and architecture. When you are there, pay close attention to the detail of these ornaments. You’ll see the homage paid to the Arroyo Seco City Hall, the Doo Dah Parade, the Tournament of Roses Parade and one-of-a-kind ornaments paying tribute to the “Little Old Lady of Pasadena” and the “Fork in the Road”.
Rose garlands and rose & orange clove pomander balls surround the tree to reflect the city’s agricultural past, and of course what better way is there to top the Pasadena highest bough than with a jeweled crown!
The public is invited to help complete the decorations by bringing in an ornament representing your Pasadena school or business.
Ornaments can be brought to the Pasadena Museum of History from 12 noon to 5:00 pm Wednesdays – Sundays in December.
Those who bring an ornament will receive free admission for 2 to the Pasadena Patron exhibition which is decorated Victorian style for the holidays. Details for the exhibition to follow in tomorrows 365 Things To Do in Pasadena Activity of The Day!
So, pull out the arts and crafts kit and get to work!
Be sure to share with us pictures of the ornaments you made representing the City of Pasadena.
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