Yesterday, I wrote a post about Pasadena home buyer etiquette and tips and after having several home showings with clients today, I just had to share a few tips for the home seller.
Imagine, pulling up to a home that you’ve waited a few days to see. You are walking towards the door admiring the curb appeal. Your real estate agent rings the door bell, the door opens and… well… the seller just puts a damper on the excitement and enthusiasm.
Well… that’s pretty much what happened today as my clients and I made it to our last Pasadena home on our list.
So here are some seller etiquette or put it plainly “what not to do” if you want to sell your home:
- If you are going to ask a buyer to remove their shoes, please make sure the floors are clean.
- Do not apologize immediately that the kids will be screaming – maybe you should take them for a walk or outside into the yard.
- Do not apologize that your house is not clean – just clean it. For heavens sake, you are trying to sell a half a million dollar home or higher if you live in Pasadena.
- Do not glare at the buyers. If you do not want to be interrupted, do not set the appointment.
- Clean up, please!!! Did I say that already? Bears saying again – ugh!
- Do not follow the buyers into every room and try to point out special features unless of course, they ask you.
- Do not try to sell your gym equipment – yes… it actually happened. You are trying to sell a home. This is not a garage sale opportunity.
- If you see the home buyer walking fast and holding their breath – just give up.
- Finally, please stop talking. Let your real estate agent do the talking. You are giving away the store… umm… in this case your home.
Now, this particular Pasadena home has been on the market for over a year. I wonder why?
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