As the temperatures drop in Pasadena and the crisp winter days (hopefully wind-free days) are here, the light decorations and beautiful Christmas trees are showing up everywhere we look. all the beautiful lights bring with them the risk of fire. The U.S. Fire Administration (USFA) reports more than double the number of open-flame fires on Christmas Day than on an average day, and about twice as many on New Year’s Day.
Property loss during a holiday fire is 34 percent greater than in an average fire, and the number of fatalities per thousand fires is nearly 70 percent higher.
If the source of the fire is a highly flammable Christmas tree, the toll in property and lives is even greater.
It takes less than 30 seconds for a dry tree to engulf a room in flames, according to the Building and Fire Research Laboratory of the National Institute for Standards and Technology.
Keep the following home safety tips in mind:
- To minimize risk, buy a fresh tree with intact needles, get a fresh cut on the trunk, and water it every day.
- A well-watered tree is almost impossible to ignite.
- Keep the tree away from heat sources, such as a fireplace or radiator, and out of traffic patterns. I
- f using live garlands and other greenery, keep them at least three feet away from heating sources.
AND REMEMBER that no matter how well the tree is watered, it will start to dry out after about four weeks. The risk of burglary also increases during the holidays; a security system provides 24/7 home monitoring services.
See additional tips including entertainment and decoration at Electrical Safety Foundation International.
Stay safe Pasadena!
And, if you are interested in fun activities to do, take a look at our 365 Things To Do in Pasadena® page.
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