After having gone dark last year, Mountain View Mausoleum in Altadena is back in the theatrical spotlight in 2021 with “It’s Alive! An Immersive Frankenstein Experience”, brought to you by the Downtown Repertory Theater Company. Running weekends from October 1 through 31, the show deep-dives inside the mind of Mary Shelley, author of “Frankenstein”, and explores the untamed lives and bizarre deaths of the poets, freethinkers, and self-destructive radicals of Mary’s inner circle. These are diehard risk-takers, and Mary loses them all to misfortune, misadventure and suicide. So, what does she decide to do?
Bring them back.
Performances are fully immersive, taking place entirely within the mausoleum, actively involving audience members in the action, and unfolding in small-group and one-on-one encounters with performers.
You may be asked to dig up a grave. You may be asked to hold a severed tongue. You might wish to dress accordingly…
The Downtown Rep has been producing site-specific theater since 2009. Their first show was on the sixth floor of an empty parking structure, and in the ensuing years, performances have taken place in parks, in alleys, on the balconies of a three-story brick courtyard, in fully-furnished victorian mansions, in an abandoned church…anywhere but an actual theater.
Their first foray into fully-immersive events, “The Assassination of Edgar Allen Poe”, took top honors at Poefest International in Baltimore in 2019.
Tickets are available on Eventbrite. For more information, go to: