Hooked on Camellias? Better yet, do you have Camellias growing in your yard? If so, how about entering your special bloom to compete for top honors at The Huntington’s 30th annual Camellia Show, co-sponsored by the Southern California Camellia Society.
Camellia Show & Sale will take place on February 12th (Saturday: 1 – 4:30 p.m.) and 13th (Sunday: 10 a.m. – 4:30 p.m.).
I had my chance in 2008 when I entered my first (and only to date) Camellia show. My friend and contractor, George Harrison and his lovely wife Karen, invited me to attend a Camellia show at the Descanso Gardens. I was also encouraged to bring in the camellias from my home and enter them in the Novice category. How could I say no? Outside of the fact that I think that my gardens showcase the most beautiful Camellias, there was some cut crystal involved for the winners. 🙂
However, little did I know there was a whole science to this.
Here are some pointers that I was given on that day:
First, do not cut and bunch camellias together like a bouquet – silly me. Each one should be handled with care and kept separate from one another.
Second, do not, under any circumstances, touch camellia petals. Always handle the flower by holding on to the leaf or the branch.
Third, cut the stem about 1/2″ below the bloom. Hold on to the leaf, make sure that the bloom doesn’t fall off and hit the table thereby damaging its petals.
Fourth, put the bloom into a special little cup and decorate with two green leaves, preferably at the 10 and 2 o’clock position. You can pinch the leaves of the Camellia and just position under the bloom. Of course, the leaves have to be perfect or close to it.
Fifth, identify your camellia. There are so many different varieties. I brought in four and had no clue as to which ones they were, but all four were identified by the experts at the show.
As beginner’s luck would have it, all four of my blooms won and I did bring home beautiful crystal.
Now is your chance! Show off your Camellias or buy from a selection of beautiful camellia plants at the show. Of course, while you are at the Huntington Gardens, take a moment to explore acres of blooming camellias in the North Vista, Japanese Garden canyon and Chinese Garden.
And, don’t forget to send us your pix!
Huntington Library and Gardens
Friends’ Hall
1151 Oxford Road
San Marino, California 91108
Admission is FREE to the show and sale area.
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