Here’s a worthwhile and yummy 365 Things To Do In Pasadena® activity!
Molly Taylor, Top Cookie w/ The Sweets Truck (small philanthropic business of the year, 2010) and co-founder of Wheel Food Wednesday is continuing her philanthropic efforts and this year has paired up with some of Pasadena’s best to design events that partner local business together in a fun, and unique way. Her goal of raising $10,000 for the AIDS/ LifeCycle is off to a SWEET start with $3400 already in the “bank”.
WHEN: February 19 & 20, 2013
WHERE: Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana: 625 E Colorado Blvd., Pasadena
WHY: a fundraiser for AIDS/ LifeCycle
HOW: mention you are dining in support of AIDS/ LifeCycle and/ or present the flyer and a % of sales will be donated. Order the drink special as a bonus to the cause.
WHO: Molly Taylor, The Sweets Truck, and Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana
Settebello Pizzeria Napoletana has generously agreed to donate a % of sales towards AIDS/ LifeCycle over TWO days. This community event will bring together friends old and new to raise money and awareness for the 2013 AIDS/ LifeCycle. Enjoy lunch, dinner or take away and a % of your order will benefit people in our community, and around the world.
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And, if you are interested in fun activities to do in Pasadena, take a look at our 365 Things To Do in Pasadena® page.