Matzo Ball Soup… true magic! Day 160 of 365 Things To Do brings us to Bristol Farms in South Pasadena.
I have been totally out of pocket over the last few days with flu-like symptoms. You know the fun stuff – low grade fever, body aches, tension headaches, fatigue – the full bouquet of symptoms you really do not want to experience. Felt so horrible that I actually whined and complained like a little baby to my friends on Facebook about how bad I felt.
Little did I know that my friends would come up with a great suggestion – Bristol Farms Matzo Ball soup. Now… everyone knows that chicken soup is good for the soul… and a cold… and a flu. Okay… chicken soup is pure magic. But, can you find the real thing without having your mom or grandma make it for you?
When I was little my grandma used to make the best chicken soup. It was just perfect… not too fatty… with the right amount of carrots and noodles and absolutely WITHOUT celery. If I was sick, it was my grandma’s chicken soup and lots of tea with honey. Liquids galore…
Well… my grandma is no longer with us. My mom is on vacation. And, armed with my friends’ suggestion of Matzo Ball at Bristol Farms, I sent my husband into the pouring rain (He gladly agreed just to get out away from the not so nice, sick me, I’m sure) to Bristol Farms. My champion comes back with what he says is the very last Matzo Ball soup in the entire Bristol Farms!
Off into the pan it went and after a few minutes, I was ready to give it a try.
Aaaahhhh…. first spoonful…. hot and tasty! Perfect broth with slices of carrots, thin noodles – just the right amount, nicely cut pieces of chicken and two humongous Matzo balls.
The Matzo ball had a perfect consistency. It held its shape and had a nice smooth texture, perfectly seasonedd. And… to top it all off – NO CELERY!
Yes… Bristol Farms Matzo Ball soup was the perfect suggestion. And… I can say with all the conviction of feeling better… It is pure MAGIC!
Bristol Farms
606 Fair Oaks Avenue
South Pasadena, CA 91030
(626) 441-5450
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