A must-do next time the opportunity presents itself. Pasadena’s police department led by their Chief – Phillip Sanchez – had their annual Open House to the public on Saturday May 13th. There is more than the one type of open house you’re are familiar with but this one was also Free!
Chief Sanchez, along with Vice-Mayor John Kennedy and City Manager Steve Mermell , welcomed and thanked the people for coming to get a closer look of the brave people who are responsible for helping to keep the city of Pasadena safe and livable.
The Chief addresses the people and gives the official welcome to his second home & family.
The new Vice Mayor – John Kennedy – addresses the people and his many fans. Chief Sanchez (on the left with his tablet camera) took the councilman’ photo from the other side.
City Manager Steve Mermell.
Lt. Ibarra (below) and Sgt Thompson (bottom) were the MC’s of the event.
Prior to the event start, but the officers were already in their camera ready poses.
Officer Thompson (right), “the hardest working cop in police business!” and the recent Pasadena PD Officer of The Year (well-deserved), poses with one of his co-workers who was responsible for putting on this open house show.
Visitors had the opportunity to meet with the Chief and his officers, view displays, and learn about the various subdivisions of the department they work in:
- Check out job opportunities
- Equipment Displays: sit in the Helicopter, the Bearcat armored assault vehicle, or motorcycle.
- PAL (Police Activities League)
- Park Police (Park Safety Specialists)
- Get free info and tips on crime prevention & public safety
- Freebies such as tote bags and police pens. And, Believe It of Not!: police chapstik & police crayons!
The Chief & Vice Mayor head over to the waiting microphones to open the event. They milled among the people and displays before & after the official start of the open house. Over their right shoulder is one of the police photographers taking a pic that includes city manager Mermell. And, in the background is, yes, one of the police copters.
Looking for a few more good men, and women, to be Pasadena police officers. Officer Cheung (right) was one of the tour guides inside police headquarters. His current beat is the schools.
The Park Safety Specialists in their “Target”-type motor scooters.
But, last but not least: the highlight was the tour of police headquarters and, of course, the food & drink! (Visitors were warned that photos inside police HQ were not permitted. I respected that warning!) Guests visited every floor, including the basement which houses the jail. Offices and departments of the watch commander, detectives, police explorers, dispatch/communication center, the office where police write their reports, etc.
Hot Dogs, lemonade, punch, and popcorn, all at a great price – FREE! – were served by the police to their special guests. The Question to determine is, who cooks the best hot dogs: the police of fire departments??
This was advertised as the “annual” police headquarters tour. Yet, my old memory says it’s been years since the last tour. If I’m wrong on that, well, where have I been these past years??
The event went from 10am –2pm. I’d say there was an average of 75 attendees at all times and was surprised there weren’t more visitors.
I was on the last building tour, guided by Officer Cheung, which didn’t finish until 3pm long after the event was over. Officer Cheung was helpful, friendly & informative: what you would expect from a tour guide!
Everyone connected with the police department were friendly and helpful.
The last few years I’ve noticed Chief Sanchez likes to take event photos with his tablet camera. Including this event. Perhaps my own shutter bugging was influential, haha!
The wife of the Chief, who I’ve met a few times, made it out for this event.
The jail administrator, a woman, was friendly, helpful, and had a sense of humor.
Down in the basement jail we were put into the drunk holding tank “to sober up”, of course! There were about 3-4 inmates in jail while we were visiting.
All in all, a good show by our brave Pasadena police! Check it out next time the opportunity presents itself: RECOMMENDED.
Stay Thirsty My Friends!