As a new home buyer in Pasadena, I was in need of a new local gym, one that offered something different than the typical chain. Athletic and physically active my entire life, I thought I knew it all when it came to physical fitness and working out but after having spent years exercising every body part once or twice a week, I became bored with my gym workouts. I needed a change that would not only shock my body to spark additional muscle growth but would also stimulate my brain. Seeking that boost to my exercise routine yet short on fresh ideas, I decided to check out a new style of gym on Colorado Blvd Called Pasadena Strength and Conditioning (PSC). Opened in 2013 by owner Patrick Caudle, it is a private trainers gym used by over 50 trainers and their clients.
I started training with Philip Patmon, a reserve firefighter who has been a personal trainer for five years. Born and raised in Pasadena, Philip has made PSC his home, operating under the name Sheer Grit Conditioning. Philip is the picture of health and fitness, always smiling and encouraging. He has shown me there is an entirely different way to train, a workout that focuses on overall, whole body exercise as opposed to isolating individual muscles.
His Workout of the Day is a full-body workout routine that utilizes a combination of strength resistance training with cardio and core. There is little rest between movements so your heart rate stays elevated for optimal fat burning and muscle building. A typical round of exercises would be pushing/pulling a weighted sled the length of the gym floor, walking lunges holding weight straight armed over your head, ten pull-ups, followed by 150 meters on a rowing machine, repeated four times with minimal rest in between sets. Next might be shoulder presses,dips, kettlebell swings (ten of each), finishing up with 150 meters on a ski simulator, also repeated four times. The workout concludes with a couple of core exercises.
The workout itself is only half of the fitness equation. Diet goes hand in hand with exercise and is vital for optimal results. For many of us, we can easily sabotage a great workout with poor eating habits and food choices. Philip believes that creating an active lifestyle while encompassing a healthy diet is the key to overall health. He eats very clean, with a typical meal consisting of proper portions of lean proteins, in addition to copious amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables. As a trainer, he makes it a point to live by example in order to be a positive role model for his clients.
I’m honestly having a blast and look forward to my workouts once again. This style of exercise has breathed new life into a routine that had grown stale. I encourage others who are looking to change things up and boost their metabolism to set up a session with Philip Patmon. You won’t be sorry you did.
Philip Patmon (626) 390-0211
Pasadena Strength and Conditioning 2176 E. Colorado Blvd. Pasadena, Ca. 91107
Becky Robertson is a Real Estate agent who is passionate about the character-filled homes that flood the San Gabriel Valley. She is an avid outdoorswoman who can frequently be found running and hiking the numerous trails Pasadena and the surrounding areas have to offer. Follow her blogs as she details her experiences exploring the various canyons as well as showcasing local businesses that cater to healthy lifestyles.